Our Dublin Web Summit review Ok so I was very impressed by the organization of the Web Summit event. Paddy Cosgrove and his team had a pretty slick operation that

Company naming strategy – Where our company name nooQ comes from

Company Naming Strategy How to name your company is extremely difficult. Here’s the company naming strategy and process we used and the story how we came up with nooQ.

Employee Surveys Suck

Employee Surveys Suck. We all know it but why persist with them? The purpose of an organisational survey carried out by an HR department is to understand what employees and

Poor Communication Costs

Poor communication costs Businesses waste millions of dollars every single day. Most executives and managers understand this, yet they don’t realize how big a part they play in this miscommunication.

Social Platforms for Business – will it catch on? It’s obvious

Will social platforms for business work? Social platforms for business, also known as social collaboration, social business (#socbiz), open business, enterprise social, or their technical name Web 2.0 platforms are

The 5 Questions Every Company Should Ask Itself

Strategic Company Goals The 5 Questions Every Company Should Ask Itself   Five simple questions, possibly with difficult answers but a great reminder or validation of your company’s strategic goals

The Coming Shift in Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management is shifting There is little new to Knowledge Management, right? I mean, we have been doing it for more than 50 years, since Peter Drucker “invented” the term


Leadership and the Future: The Art of Change Management (HBR OnPoint Executive Edition) by Gary Hamel, Alan Jackson, Rosabeth Kanter Consider the following findings from the Hay Group: Research conducted worldwide

The Wisdom of Crowds

Will the Wisdom of Crowds work for you? Collective intelligence and the wisdom of crowds has been popularised by James Surowiecki’s 2004 book   in which he argued that in some circumstances,

HEAT Scotland 100 – The Innovators

We are delighted to have been selected (under old name Alpine-IQ) in the HEAT Scotland 100. HNW Magazine & The HEAT Scotland 100 is a unique new publication & CD featuring
